JESTIT is a free messaging service App for anonymous feedbacks. It was implemented by Spacebyte for the Swiss startup Jestit AG aiming to transfer the medieval tradition of court jesters in an innovative way to the digital age. Jestit can be used for communicating with clients, employees, competitors etc. in the private as well as in the business environment.
How does JESTIT work?
Standard Functions
• Message sending to any email address
• Possibility to reply to messages from any undisclosed sender at any time
• Sending and reading confirmation for every single message
• Message delivery even to addressees not yet registered with Jestit
• The Follow section allows to follow any other user (so-called followers)
• Read permission to followers granted by the feedback recipient on a message level
• Sending heart emoticons allows to value the counterparty
Premium Functions
• Blocking of unwelcome feedback senders for a period of 30 days
• Free of advertising version