Betty Bossi Web App
Betty Bossi, the leading Swiss cooking and recipe brand, has extended its online presence with a new web app to bring its famous recipes and kitchen tools to mobiles and tablets.
The new app has been developed by Spacebyte as a fully responsive web application for iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
The primary goal was to attract and acquire the next generation of Betty Bossi enthusiasts looking for on-the-go cooking ideas, searching specific recipes, watching how-to video tutorials or shoping for amazing kitchen tools.
The contents of the app are conveniently organized by chapters, and users can save personal favorites and shopping cards for cross-platform use.
To achieve the incredibly smooth ease-of-use, Spacebyte implemented the Betty Bossi web app with cutting edge mobile and server-side technologies:
- Fully responsive HTML5 implementation
- Fully zoomable content in portrait and landscape
- Intelligent, scrollable and context-sensitve menus
- Optimized for a wide range of iOS and Android devices
- Complete online shop including checkout
- Persistent favorites and shopping cart
Access the Betty Bossi Web App from your mobile device now!